if you're looking to contact us for any reason—whether it's to send fan mail, hate mail, ask for a previous show recording—then you can reach us at radio.wmbu@gmail.com! we appreciate any questions, comments, concerns, and feedback. (yes it's the same email from the old station.)
at the moment, asahidenpa is not taking new DJ applications. this is because we're just returning from a long hiatus and need to get back on our feet first. once that happens, we would love to get some new DJs on here!
there are no requirements to becoming a DJ aside from having a computer that can run streaming software as well as the free time for a timeslot. that being said, if you are already a DJ on another radio station (such as WXJM), we would prefer if you waited until you graduate/otherwise leave your current station before becoming an asahidenpa DJ. that being said, i can be easily persuaded if you really have enough time on your hands to do two radio shows.
if you do not want to host a show on asahidenpa but you would like to volunteer with us in some other way, please reach us via email and we will get in touch with you as quickly as we can!