
hosted by: ash
tuesdays at 8pm

show description

a window into my varied music tastes. expect to hear hyperpop, alternative rock, ambient tunes, vocaloid, and other odd music in the same show. or sometimes i'll just play whatever i've been listening to that week. sometimes i'll even play an album.

dj bio

ash is the webmaster and founder of the asahidenpa radio station. they are currently a college student studying graphic design and IT. ash is a sucker for obscurity and likes to collect and hoard unknown songs like a dragon does treasures. alongside running this station, ash also likes making art, writing, going to underground shows, and hanging out with their friends!

all asahidenpa playlists have been archived for anyone to take a listen, as well as the past two shows!

(dates are in DD/MM/YY)


Fall 2024

No data available

Spring 2025

Summer 2025

No data available


